Sir – The photographs of the views from Port Meadow (before and after the current destruction of the view, Report, November 15) which I took, have a caption underneath saying that they were taken at different times of year. It is implied that this is why the trees look so thin in the present-day picture. This is far from the whole truth.
As is clear from the photographs, trees have been progressively removed from the area by both Cripley Meadow Allotment Association and by developers.
This means that what was a lush area of many trees has become a very thin line of just a few pollarded willow trees.
This is another aspect of the current barracks-like development that has been ignored.
I am not against building houses for people, but do not wish captions under my photos to be used in any way to excuse the vandalism to the view from Port Meadow, which future generations have now lost.
Adrian Arbib, Oxford