RECENT letters on Britain’s continued membership of the EU suggest serious thought is needed.

A major problem facing critics has long been lack of reliable information on EU costs. Help is now at hand in the form of a booklet (online) written by Prof Tim Congdon: How Much Does The European Union Cost Britain? It gives useful information, and indicates that the appalling costs are in the region of 10 per cent of GDP, roughly £150bn per annum.

This useful resource will assist UKIP supporters and those who want Britain to secede from Europe; indeed all enquiring minds will owe Congdon a debt of gratitude. Coalition referendum rhubarb merely shows contempt for what they no doubt regard as an easily gulled electorate.

The mass of Europeans, unfortunately, only see Europe as a vast trading bloc, with a free movement of labour which offers certain extra-national rights. Most fail to realise plans exist for a federal Europe (to include 70-80 million mainly Muslim Turks).

Though judging by current events, the mass is starting to move. Britain’s leaving the EU will depend not solely, nor even primarily, on economics, but on the will of growing numbers inspired by an outstanding past, a shared national pride, and greater understanding of European Civilisation.

STEPHEN WARD, Tudor Close, Oxford