A NIGHTMARISH end is how Devinderjit Singh Sivia describes the night that resulted in the death of astrophysicist Steven Rawlings.

Yesterday a coroner ruled that Professor Rawlings’ death – which occurred following a struggle with his longtime friend Dr Sivia – was an accident, bringing to an end the investigation into events that happened at the latter’s bungalow in Southmoor in January.

Yet, no matter what words he uttered publicly yesterday, we fear it may not be the end emotionally for Dr Sivia.

He was defending himself when Prof Rawlings, suffering mental health problems, attacked him.

But we hope Dr Sivia always remembers there is no question about his conduct from those days in January. If anything, Prof Rawlings could not have asked for a finer friend – a man who saw the astrophysicist was suffering a relapse of his mental health issues and, with his wife away, took him in to care to try to guide him through those troubled times.

It was telling that, immediately, Dr Rawlings’ widow Linda – ignoring any legal impediments at the time with the police investigation still active – publicly absolved him of any wrongdoing.

Police also cannot be criticised in any way for their handling of the investigation and it speaks volumes that Dr Sivia spoke warmly of how officers dealt with him.

They had to follow a process given Prof Rawlings’ death but it was apparent they were soon sure there was no malicious intent.

This was nothing more than a horrible tragedy, a nightmare as Dr Sivia said. We hope the support of the academic community continues to comfort Dr Sivia and Mrs Rawlings, while Prof Rawlings is ultimately remembered as a brilliant man.