REFERRING to the Issue article concerning cycling (November 22) I feel that with shorter days and darker evenings, it is more important than ever to be seen on our busy city roads.

At present it is not the law to wear a hard hat or visibility clothing while cycling. To make things worse, the majority of cyclists wear dark clothing and many are still riding on the roads and sometimes pavements without lights. Surely it’s in their own interest to wear sensible clothing so as to be seen and give motorists a better chanceof avoiding an accident.

In Oxford, cyclists have been provided with cycle lanes on many roads, plus pole position given at traffic lights in the form of a box in front of motorists. Still more money will be spent on cyclists in the future.

I feel sorry for the bus drivers in our city who have to put up with the things I’ve mentioned more than other motorists. It’s not fair to give them extra hazards due to the senseless and thoughtless cyclists that we see on our streets. Of course, there are some who have more sense and dress appropriately for the conditions, but sadly they are the minority.

Health and safety is very strict in many areas these days. Where there is the slightest fear of accidents, hard hats and visibility vests are compulsory.

Motorcyclists have to wear helmets by law, and I think the law should also apply to cyclists.

It costs a lot of money for vehicles to be driven on our roads, whereas cyclists have this privilege without paying a penny.

Colin Smith, George Moore Close, Oxford