MR Siret has accused me of misquoting him (ViewPoints, November 20). I suggest that he looks back through his numerous letters and he will find that he did suggest that I watched a particular BBC programme that would reinforce a particular view of his.

Tim, I would never knowingly misquote you or anyone else. As I have only ever offered letters that suggest a different perspective or observation on a particular issue, it is too bad if you think that is twisting your views, which is not the intention.

As far as the BBC is concerned, we could all draw a particular view on its reporting depending on a political point of view.

In fact, a previous senior BBC executive openly admitted that there was an institutional political left-wing bias in the corporation, which hasn’t altered my view that it generally produces excellent programmes.

With regard to Venezuela, Cuba and invasions, I could quite easily list numerous European democratic countries which haven’t invaded anyone, but, as you have said, perhaps it would be boring to read another response on the issue.

I may take a different view from you on some (not all) issues, but I respect that view and will not descend into personally disrepectful language to which you occasionally resort.

Ian Cummings, Gibson Close, Abingdon