I TOTALLY agree with Roger Tucker’s letter regarding Abu Qatada being thrown out of this country.

Who the hell do the European Courts of Justice think they are, telling the UK we can’t deport him because it would breach his human rights?

What about the human rights of the people he wants to have hurt with the filth that spews from his mouth? Also the cost of keeping him and his family here – that’s a burden on the taxpayers of this country.

The Italians did this and got a small fine – probably the cost of a week of looking after him.

On this subject the Opposition started to berate the Coalition, when they had more time in which to deport him than the present Government.

All the main political parties should get together and work out the best way of getting rid of this horrible man and then get back to more pressing issues this country is facing.

On a final note, the Israelis got it right in kidnapping Eichmann but, remember, he had committed atrocities whereas Qatada has only preached.

Once again – kick him out.