THERE were spooky goings-on right across Oxfordshire as ghosts and ghouls came out for Halloween.

The Wychwood Brewery in Witney held the grand lighting of the pumpkins on Wednesday night, along with face painting, balloon modelling and a fancy dress competition.

Maja Werdenowska went along dressed as a pumpkin with her dad Tim.

He said: “It was really good, there were owls there and pumpkins.

“We had a really good time, we will definitely go back next year.”

Visitors also enjoyed pumpkin carving, a devilish disco, a live band, a magician and hog roast.

Staff at the Demop hair salon in Headington were giving customers a hair-rising experience dressed as zombies, vampires and scary fairies.

Hairdresser Natasha Ford, 20, said: “We thought it would be a bit crazy, and I think we have scared a few people.”

Costumed customers queued to get into the annual frightfest at The Swan in Wantage, where terrors lurked around every turn.

Landlord Craig Gradwell said: “It was quite creepy, there was a goblin breaking out of a mausoleum coffin, we had the grim reaper, and werewolves that greeted you as you came through the door.

“There was a big spider on top of the jukebox, and an infestation of them crawling across the ceiling.

“We also had Electric Head playing, who were covered in ultraviolet paint playing in a black light.”

Earlier in the day, Barefoot Books in Oxford was offering a kids’ halloween masterclass in making halloween accessories and decorations while Oxford Central Library hosted a ghostly stories and crafts workshop.

StopMoGo Stop Motion Animation centre kicked off its three-day Halloween workshop at the St Maragret’s Institute in Polstead Road, Oxford, bringing werewolves, pumpkins and even the dead to life.

Millets Farm’s annual maize maze near Abingdon was transformed into a spooky labyrinth populated by pumpkins and haunted by ghouls.

The Halloween Show at Science Oxford promised spooky surprises and eerie experiments.

Also in Oxford, retro-swingers the Rabbit Foot Spasm Band frightened away all the evil spirits with their foot-stomping riot at the Anchor Inn.

And Oxford Castle is joined in the fun this week. Every day until Sunday, the city centre attraction is welcoming people to take part in halloween themed arts and crafts in the prison gallery.


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