I AM not surprised when people become exasperated by the European Union because they are rarely presented with the facts.

Your On the Spot letter (Thursday, October 11) said: “Once again the EU is poking its nose into our way of life” was a case in point.

Recent media coverage on an EU ban on reusing jars for homemade jams for sale at charity events managed to whip up a frenzy.

But, rest assured, it was completely untrue.

There are no EU laws, new or old, which ban reusing old jam jars for fetes. The EU also has no powers to fine people.

There is indeed a body of EU food safety and hygiene legislation – notably so the UK and other countries can be confident food imported from or bought elsewhere in the EU is safe and of high quality. But these rules apply only to businesses and not to those preparing food for charity events, such as church fetes, school bazaars or the WI. It should also be mentioned that amid the flurry of misleading ‘Meddling Brussels bureaucrat’ headlines, the Commission was not contacted for comment.

CATHERINE BEARDER Member of the European Parliament for the South East of England Park End Street Oxford