Thank you for printing pictures and details of the six people who want to be police commissioner for the Thames Valley.

All households with votes will have received the pink leaflet about the election on November 15 with its picture of a ballot paper.

This has two columns on it, the second being for your second choice of candidate. Strangely enough, the pamphlet does not tell us what the X in the second column will do.

So I called the number given – 0800 328 0280 – and was told that if my first choice came third or worse when the column one votes are counted, then my second choice would be transferred to the first or second most popular candidate – if my second choice was one of them. Apparently this system, called ‘Supplementary Vote’, was used to elect mayors in London and some other cities.

It certainly is an advance on the historic ‘first-past-the-post’ system still used in England for most elections.

As such, I heartily welcome it, and it is a pity it is not used for parliamentary and local council elections. Voters who prefer an independent candidate can have a decisive effect on the eventual outcome with their second choice.

The person who comes second in the column one could well win if they get enough column two votes to overhaul the front runner, providing he or she is only slightly ahead after the first count. To learn more about the candidates voters should call 0800 107 0708.

Curiously, this number is not mentioned in the pink pamphlet. I hope I will soon receive details of all six candidates in the Thames Valley area.


Headley Way
