
  • Vent feud to be fought in court

    A feud between next-door neighbours that was sparked by cooking smells has resulted in each couple putting up CCTV cameras and barbed wire fencing. The bitter four-year dispute between the Hos and the Burdens could now end in court. It began when Paula

  • Vandals wreck car adapted for disabled son

    A mother has denounced vandals who broke into her car, condemning her severely disabled son to the house for more than a week. Linda Tidbury, a single mother from Radley, near Abingdon, parks the car, which has been adapted to take a portable hoist, in

  • Saturday surgeries cut waiting times

    Doctors and nurses at an Oxford hospital are giving up their weekends to help cut outpatient waiting times. The Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre, Headington, has started Saturday clinics to wipe out a backlog of patients and cut appointment delays. The scheme

  • Boatyard may get new home

    The manager of a Jericho boatyard threatened with closure is hoping to relocate to a new canal site just outside Oxford. British Waterways has asked Steve Goodlad to leave Castle Mill Boatyard because it requires the site for housing. The organisation

  • Coach stays on for ill son

    A father who took on the role of coach for his son's football team has vowed to stay in the job despite his son being struck down by a rare bone disease. Lee Holland, 30, offered to become manager of the Oxford Blackbirds under-sevens side when the team's

  • Traffic scheme aims to cut queues

    Ambitious plans to relieve traffic on three busy Oxfordshire roads have been unveiled. The Highways Agency claims its proposals will cut dangerous queuing on the M40 and improve traffic flow on the A34 and A41. Its plans involve adding extra lanes to

  • Council stands firm against car charges

    Motorists in Oxfordshire will not be charged for using their cars -- despite an influential group of MPs recommending drivers be billed in order to slash congestion in clogged-up cities. Oxfordshire County Council has reiterated its pro-car stance after

  • 'Asbos hurt people who need our help'

    Four in 10 people subject to antisocial behaviour orders in Oxford have been back before the courts for violating the conditions. There are 35 people in the city subject to full or temporary Asbos, and 15 have appeared before magistrates for breaching