Pembroke College will unveil a memorial in honour of JRR Tolkien, one of the college’s most well-known former professors and author of The Hobbit.

The memorial created by sculptor Tim Tolkien, JRR Tolkien’s grand-nephew, will be officially unveiled on June 12 before invited donors, guests, and members of the community.

Award-winning author Neil Gaiman will then deliver his Tolkien Lecture at the Oxford Town Hall later the same evening.

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The memorial design features a central bronze relief depicting Tolkien as he looked during his time at Pembroke, where he served as the Rawlinson and Bosworth Professor of Anglo-Saxon from 1925 to 1945.

It was during this period that he wrote The Hobbit and much of The Lord of the Rings, as well as critical works including ‘Beowulf: The Monsters and the Critics’.

Pembroke postgraduate students Will Badger and Gabriel Schenk worked with the MCR Committee to develop the original proposal and select the artist.

The junior and middle common rooms each raised ten per cent of the project costs, with additional funding coming from the Tolkien Society, the Tolkien Estate, and individuals and groups across the Pembroke community.

In addition to speeches from Neil Gaiman and Tim Tolkien, the unveiling ceremony will feature a poem written for the occasion by Pembroke alumna and award-winning writer Roz Kaveney.

Pembroke College, founded in 1624, is one of the constituent colleges of the University of Oxford.