Dozens of Oxford university students gathered outside an administration building on Thursday after reports protesters had been arrested. 

Thames Valley Police has now confirmed there 16 people arrested all on suspicion of aggravated trespass, while one of the 16 was also arrested on suspicion of common assault. 

A University of Oxford building in Wellington Square was placed under lockdown with a strong police presence after protesters entered around 8am. 

More than 40 police officers were seen in the area along with multiple police cars and vans, with officers and dogs from the canine unit also parked close to where more than 100 students and supporters were gathered. 

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A spokesperson for Oxford Action for Palestine said: "Today, Oxford students staged a peaceful sit-in to demand that the university meet with us after two weeks of non-response.

"Instead of engaging in dialogue with her students, the vice chancellor chose to evacuate the building, place it on lockdown, and call the police to make arrests."

A spokesperson said students had not been allowed to leave after the sit-in, with a video sent to the Oxford Mail showing the moment multiple students were told of their arrest. 

Outside, supporters chanted a range of slogans for hours including "40,000 people dead, you arrest students instead" and "in our thousands, in our millions, we are all Palestinians". 

Protesters, many of whom wore face masks and did not wish to be identified, also chanted against Thames Valley Police, Oxford University, Rishi Sunak and Sir Keir Starmer. 

Thames Valley Police officers were seen wrestling several students in clashes which were witnessed by an Oxford Mail reporter.

Some protesters described being dragged to the ground while another, who did wish to be named, claimed an officer stomped on their foot. 

Canine units were also present on site around Wellington Square. 

On Little Clarendon Street, around the corner from the entrance to Wellington Square, witnesses also described seeing a police van approach very close to protesters sitting on the road. 

A TVP spokesperson said: "We are aware of footage circulating on social media, which show our officers using lawful, proportionate and necessary action in the difficult circumstances they faced.

"In addition to these arrests we dealt with protesters in the immediate vicinity of Wellington Square. Elements of this protest sought to obstruct the removal of the persons arrested. These protests have been peaceful and no arrests were made."

In contrast, an Oxford Action for Palestine spokesperson said police had responded "disproportionately". 

"The administration would rather arrest and silence its own students than confront its enabling of genocide," they said. 

At the time of writing, protesters have continued to Keble College HB Allen Centre where they are protesting a Conference of Colleges. 

The University of Oxford has been contacted for comment.