A ‘HEAVILY’ pregnant woman has avoided jail after stealing two bank cards from an elderly pensioner and withdrawing over £1,200.

Lisa Stevens, of Wallin Road, Banbury, was in the dock at Oxford Crown Court on Thursday (February 22) being sentenced for two counts of theft and two counts of fraud while six weeks away from giving birth.

The 40-year-old pleaded guilty to stealing a bank card from an elderly man in Bicester in January 2021 after lying about being a niece of one of his friends.

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After he cancelled the bank card, Stevens snuck into his home two months later in the middle of the night and stole his new bank card and spent further money.

The pensioner died in November 2022 before Stevens pleaded guilty to the offences.

Sentencing her to 21 months imprisonment, suspended for two years, Judge Michael Gledhill said: “These are despicable offences that you should be thoroughly ashamed of.

"I don’t want to see you ever again.”

The court heard that the victim, who lived in Hart Place, Bicester, was ‘terrified of falling’ so left his house unlocked at all times in case he needed assistance.

Stevens, in January 2021, attended his home and pretended to be a niece of one of the gentleman’s close friends.

After her visit, Stevens received notifications from his Santander bank account that several large withdrawals of cash had been made between January 18 and 22, including two £250 withdrawals. The total amount was £815.48, including payments at shops.

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His card was cancelled and a new one was sent to his home, including a letter with his new pin.

One night, in March, the man woke up to find Stevens searching his room before quickly leaving. The following morning he noted the new card and letter were missing.

A further £474.99 was spent on his card, totalling £1,265.48 stolen. This did not include an attempted £24.99 transaction to Dominos Pizza.

Defending Stevens, barrister Gordana Austen said Stevens had experienced a serious assault in 2006 as well as her home being burnt down, leading to her moving in with her sister who was a drug addict.

She later became addicted to drugs herself and the thefts were to sustain her habit. She still suffers from PTSD and panic attacks.

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However, it was heard she later self-referred to Turning Point and is now clean of drugs. She has a new partner and a baby on the way.

“She does apologise and she does feel very ashamed,” said Ms Austen.

Judge Pringle said it was not in the public interest to send her into custody.