A former prisoner has been accused of raping an 11-year-old.

Hayden Nolan, of Bernwood Road, Bicester, is on trial at Oxford Crown Court charged with six counts of child sex offences which are alleged to have occurred between September 2018 and February 2019.

The 30-year-old has denied all the allegations which consist of two counts of sexual assault by touching of a child under 13, two counts of sexual assault by penetration of a child under 13, one count of oral rape of a child and one count of rape of a child.

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On Wednesday (December 5), prosecutor Charles Ward-Jackson opened the case to a 12-strong jury.

He said the alleged incidents first started on September 1, 2018 – when the girl, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was 11 years old.

The indictment ends on February 22, 2019 when Nolan went to prison. It was not disclosed to the jury what Nolan went to prison for.

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Opening the trial, Mr Ward-Jackson said Nolan had allegedly touched the girl’s thighs while on a sofa on two different occasions before he ‘put his hands down her trousers’.

“She told him to stop but he carried on and she had to pull him out,” said the barrister. “She thinks this happened three to four times.

“He then went further still, he started forcing her to [perform a sexual activity]. She would try to pull away but he would hold her head.”

The barrister went on to say Nolan allegedly raped the girl. He said: “Realising what was coming, she started crying and said no but he ignored her.

“She was 11 and could not give consent and was not consenting.”

The court heard that the girl told her family about two years later after a ‘sort of crisis’ which saw her hospitalised.

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A member of her family reported Nolan to the police in January this year. During a voluntary police interview, Nolan denied all the allegations.

Nolan attended a voluntary police interview where he denied all the allegations.

In a prepared, written statement, he said: "It's been alleged that over a period of time that I raped [her]. 

"I would like to say that these [allegations] did not take place and I deny all allegations."

The trial continues.