The rare sight of a 'halo' moon lit up the evening of folk who rushed outside to take photos of the phenomenon.

The moon was visible from back gardens in Oxford on Saturday, November 25.

Halos are an optical phenomenon caused by light and can appear near the sun or moon.

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Oxford Mail: Halos may mean rain is approachingHalos may mean rain is approaching (Image: Thomas Donald)

Oxford resident David Lincoln said: "I took photos showing the moon as I have never seen it in my 70 years of life."

The halo moon could also be spotted around other parts of the country on Saturday night.

Oxford Mail: Halos can form around the sun or moon.Halos can form around the sun or moon. (Image: David Lincoln)

Light may split into colours because of dispersion as it is reflected and refracted by ice crystals.

The Met Office says a halo might mean rainfall is approaching.