Two student Just Stop Oil supporters who painted Oxford’s Radcliffe Camera library orange have been named, with one taking a gap year to support Just Stop Oil.

The protesters are calling on all University staff and students to march with Just Stop Oil in London this November against the UK government's plans to licence new oil and gas.

Oxford Mail: Just Stop Oil protester Daniel Knorr

The pair used fire extinguishers to spray the building with orange paint just before 12.30pm today. They were arrested at the scene and taken away by three police officers.

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People were prevented from entering or leaving the library.

This action is part of a wave of civil disobedience by students across the country that started yesterday at Bristol University, spreading to the Universities of Oxford and Exeter today.

One of those taking action in Oxford today, Daniel Knorr, 21, is a biochemistry student at Oxford University.

Speaking before this action today, he said: "Hundreds of millions of people will be forced to move from where they live, or die due to climate breakdown.

Oxford Mail: Just Stop Oil protester Noah Crane

“The only words to describe this are murder and genocide. And that's why I'm taking action. We are demanding that university leaders all over the country make a public statement calling on the government to end new oil and gas projects.

“If the government doesn't respond to them, we demand that university faculties and staff join students on the streets of London in November.

“All academics have a role to take urgent action - there is no research on a dead planet."

Another taking action today was Noah Crane, 18, from Norwich, who is taking a gap year to support Just Stop Oil. Before the action he said: "We are demanding universities publicly announce that the government's policies condemn the next generation to obliteration.

“When I think about the situation we're in, I realise we are faced with a choice: we can either sit back and watch the government commit genocide or we can do everything in our power to prevent it.

“And when I think about it that way, it's really a no-brainer. If academics with privileged knowledge about the climate crisis carry on as if there is no emergency, how can they expect others to act? Do the right thing. Join us in London."

The Radcliffe Camera is the iconic circular building with a domed roof at the heart of Oxford, built in 1737 - 1749.

It is the image of Oxford and is almost always included in visual representations of the university.

A spokesman for Just Stop Oil said: We will stop new oil and gas. People are coming together from all over the UK to march day after day in London from October 29. It's People vs Oil.”


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This story was written by Matthew Norman, he joined the team in 2022 as a Facebook community reporter.

Matthew covers Bicester and focuses on finding stories from diverse communities.

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