OXFORD United’s plans to build a stadium south of Kidlington could take a step forward tomorrow afternoon.

Oxfordshire County Council’s cabinet is recommended to authorise officers to enter detailed discussions with the club on the use of the council-owned land.

The development of the stadium is subject to approval of detailed plans and planning permission.

Read again: Thousands respond to consultation on Oxford United stadium plan

A council report states that if the cabinet is to go ahead with the officer recommendations, then certain criteria must be met.

This includes ensuring any proposal by United achieves the following objectives:

  • Maintains a green barrier between Oxford and Kidlington
  • Improves access to nature and green spaces
  • Enhances facilities for local sports groups and ongoing financial support
  • Significantly improves the infrastructure connectivity, improving public transport to reduce the need for car travel, and to improve sustainable transport through increased walking, cycling and rail use

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