New Covid-19 restrictions came into force today as cases continue to rise in the county amid the Omicron variant of the virus.

Yesterday evening, new restrictions were approved in Parliament for face coverings at more indoor spaces in England and the introduction of NHS Covid passes for nightclubs and large venues.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson, however, suffered a revolt in the Commons as nearly 100 backbench Conservative MPs defied the party whip and voted against the Government’s Plan B measures.

READ MORE: We attempted to book a booster jab on the NHS website this afternoon and this is how long it took

In Scotland, people have been urged to limit their mixing by socialising with only up to two other households indoors. While in Northern Ireland, politicians backed mandatory Covid certification for access to nightclubs, pubs, restaurants and other licensed premises.

Despite the new restrictions, the Government has continue to insist that Christmas is not ‘cancelled’.

On the Today programme, Transport Secretary Grant Shapps defended the Government saying “we’re in a much better position to enjoy Christmas than we were last year”.

He added that taking tests before gatherings was a sensible move, as well as getting boosters.

Yesterday, Oxfordshire recorded 958 new Covid-19 cases, taking the total number of cases up 99,747.

Meanwhile, the latest regional data shows that the south east accounts for 20.8 per cent of England’s Omicron cases. 

READ MORE: 10 pictures of queues at Oxfordshire vaccination centres

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