A SURVIVOR of a horror road crash, which killed his wife of 11 years and three of their young children, has paid tribute to his loving family. 

Josh Powell has today released a heartfelt statement following last week’s tragic crash on the A40 in which he lost his 29-year-old wife Zoe Powell and three of their young kids.

In a tribute released by Thames Valley Police he said: "Before the adventure of starting a family nobody truly knows what to expect. All of life’s preconceptions and what we see in the world around us meant that life as a family man was so much better than I expected it to be.

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“I had been blessed with four wonderful children, whose thirst for life and hunger of adventure kept me busy but in the best possible way.

“As I look to an uncertain future, I reflect on the fun that we had as a family, with feelings of sadness that it was cut so short.

Oxford Mail:

“Phoebe was my first daughter, and was the model of her mother but with a thirst to always know more. Regularly we would adventure and explore the world together. She was clever and able to make great jumps of imagination - her great creations in Lego are testament to this.

“Simeon was just like his father, with a mischievous sense of humour and desire to know more of the world. A keen sportsman, he had been due to play in first football match this week.

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“He shared the kind heart of his sisters and wouldn’t be happier than when he knew that everyone was ok.

“Amelia was kind and spirited. Her tenderness and thoughtfulness much more advanced than her years.

“Her ability to dance and express herself was a true blessing, with an abundance of self-confidence. Tied down by no element of practicality she had the most vivid dreams imagination.

Oxford Mail:

“Myself and Zoe were as different as we were alike. Despite the frequent tensions this would bring, it was of immense benefit having such differing world views.

“Our children benefited from this in having adventures but also the quiet to talk. Zoe was a dreamer; with a head spinning of new things to do or tales to tell. More than anything, we made a great partnership to raise a family.

“I want to thank everyone who has rushed to put their arms around to us to support me and Penny.

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“As a family that have always preferred understated calm and brevity, it has been a revelation the benefit of the deep wider relationships now I’ve lost my immediate nuclear family.

“There are many battles to come, and I thank everyone who has stood by me and Penny thus far.

“We are well supported and know to ask if anything is needed.

Oxford Mail:

“Now we have the time to readjust and grieve, this is the challenge of the abundance of loss we feel as a family.

“Thank you to those who have respected our space and supported us thus far, and given us the time and space to do this.”

Mr Powell, 30, and their 18-months-old daughter Penny remain at the John Radcliffe Hospital and are expected to recover.