A COUNCILLOR who started his apprenticeship at the Mini plant in Cowley has spoken out on the news that about 400 agency workers are set to lose their jobs.

City councillor David Henwood joined the plant aged 16, spending five years there, and has urged for more help and support for the workers.

Mr Henwood, whose ward is Cowley, said: “It came as a shock to everybody, in particular to those agency staff.

“I feel that with the introduction of the electric Mini, we as a country should be helping this industry much more.

Read again: BMW to axe more than 400 jobs

“The car industry used to be very much the heart of the country, and is an industry we can’t allow to go down the tube.

“I think we should be embracing the technology that BMW is trying to introduce.

“The years I spent at the plant were precious and there’s a great deal of pride in it in Cowley.”

Read more: Mini plant explains reason for job cuts

Andrew Gant, leader of the Liberal Democrat group at the city council, added: “Oxford Liberal Democrats are extremely saddened to hear of substantial job losses at the BMW Mini plant in Cowley.

“These are very worrying times for all those affected and their families, and many others whose livelihoods are threatened by the pandemic and its consequences. Our thoughts are with them.

“We will continue to do all we can to support everyone in Oxford and surrounding regions through these challenges.

“Going forward, it is essential that we all work together to find the right model of sustainable recovery.”