The South Moreton Boxing Club put down their gloves and turned punches into presents with their first toy bank Christmas appeal.

The Wallingford boxing club called for the public to buy one extra present this year and donate it to help families who may be struggling financially this Christmas.

Last month the club started collecting donations to distribute to under-privileged children and families in Oxfordshire.

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The club held a boxing show called, Rumble XXI Turning Punches into Presents, on November 30 to support the Christmas toy bank appeal.

The show raised over £3000 for the cause and collected over 1000 toys.

The toys were distributed through food banks in the area and also through individual requests.

Any left over toys were wrapped up by 30 volunteers at the Blewbury school at their Sunday night wrapping party.

The presents were then delivered to Oxfordshire’s Social Services to be passed on through their network of offices.

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They didn't forget about the teenagers and used the £3000 raised from the boxing show to buy New Look and JD Sports vouchers.

John Houston runs the South Moreton Boxing Club and organised the appeal, he said: “The appeal has now finished, but we have been stunned by it’s impact, and people’s generosity, and we will be back bigger and better next year.”

Despite it being a few days past the deadline for donations presents are still coming in.

Mr Houston said; "We were just amazed with the amount of presents that were coming in, the baskets were overflowing. I hope they wake up on Christmas morning with a smile."