A POSTCODE in Kennington is the latest lucky address to win cash on the People's Postcode Lottery. 

Organisers said three people living in OX1 5LH have won £1,000 each on Tuesday's daily prize.

The residents all live on Edward Road and their postcode was one of ten picked out the hat.

It's the fourth time an OX postcode has won on the draw this month.


Headington - STORY

Sutton Courtenay - STORY

Harwell - STORY

People’s Postcode Lottery ambassador Judie McCourt offered her congratulations and said: “Well done to our winners in Kennington today – it’s always great to see neighbours share the joy of winning together.”

The lottery said 32 per cent of its ticket sales goes directly to charities, with £330 million raised to date for 4,000 good causes.

One group who benefitted recently was the Children’s Allotment, which was awarded £1,910 last year to purchase equipment and materials to run an orchard.