Fresh plans have been lodged to introduce a new children's home to a "busy" and "bustling" part of Oxford.

The applicant, Alexandra Collins would like permission to turn an existing house in Marston Road in Headington into a home for four young people aged 11-17.

A planning document says the young people are likely to be girls as these are "the most difficult to place in long term placements".

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It adds: "Out setting will provide a truly therapeutic support, with a therapist working with the young people weekly, as well as staff to promote a positive ethos of wellbeing and holistic work from the staff downwards.

Oxford Mail: Existing and proposed floorplan.Existing and proposed floorplan. (Image: Oxford City Council.)

"The aim is to support young people to become agentic, independent, valuable members of society who need less input from adult social care once turning 18.

"The area is a busy and bustling one, which will allow our staff to support the young people to function in these types of environments."

The property in Marston Road is currently used as an HMO student let and so is already fitted with fire, emergency lighting, gas and has "up to date" electrical certificates.

Oxford Mail: Headington shops.Headington shops. (Image: Google Maps.)

The applicant, who has been working in fostering within Oxfordshire County Council, concluded: "The property has a good-sized garden to allow the young people to spend time in a safe and outdoors space without needing to access the public areas constantly.

"We will create the garden to be beautiful, tranquil, and functional for this purpose."