A DRUG dealer has been spared an immediate prison sentence after being caught selling cannabis.

Zack English-Royale was sentenced at Oxford Crown Court on Friday (May 10) for two counts of possession with intent to supply a Class B drug.

The 21-year-old was caught on July 10, 2021 and June 24, 2022.

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Sentencing English-Royale, of Alma Road, Banbury, to 12 months imprisonment suspended for 18 months, Recorder James Hay said: “In my judgement, it would be pointless sending you immediately to prison.

“The probation are offering you help and I’m sure you want to take them up on that opportunity.”

The court heard that on the first occasion, police had cause to search the defendant and he was found with 61.2g cannabis, to the value of £500, and rolling papers.

On the second occasion, he was caught with £820 in street-value of cannabis after police caught the defendant separating a quantity of cannabis with another defendant, Leon Medland.

Medland received a 12-month community order in a previous hearing.

English-Royale was also caught with £1,505 in cash.

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At his sentencing, he was also ordered to complete six months of mental health treatment and 150 hours of unpaid work.

There was a forfeiture and destruction order for the drugs and no order for court costs.

“I want you to get help and go to this unpaid work,” added Recorder Hay.