STROUD is gearing up for a night of celebration and recognition at the Annual Town Awards on Wednesday, May 22. 

The community event, hosted by Stroud Town Council, honours outstanding individuals, groups, and businesses making a positive impact in the town.

CEO and Town Clerk Helen Bojaniwska said: "The Town Awards are a cherished tradition that bring residents together to celebrate the extraordinary achievements of our community members.

"It's a night to shine a light on those going above and beyond to make our town a better place."

This year's award categories include Young Person, Environment, Trader of the Year, Community Champion, and Equality & Diversity, as well as the prestigious Mayor's Award.

Newly elected Mayor, Councillor Tony Davey, expressed his excitement for the upcoming event.

He said: "I'm honoured to be leading the awards ceremony and recognising the incredible work happening right here in Stroud. "

"This is an opportunity to celebrate the unsung heroes and inspire others to get involved in making a difference."

The evening promises to be a lively affair, including a high-energy samba drumming performance by local favourites, Simbora.

During the interval, attendees can mingle while enjoying complimentary cake from the Town Council and purchasing drinks from the bar at The Cotswold Playhouse.

Keynote speaker, Subscription Rooms’ chef Lynsey Kelleher, of the Network of Stroud Hubs will also take the stage to discuss food sustainability initiatives, highlighting the town's commitment to environmental causes.

"Whether you're a nominee or simply a proud Stroudie, we invite everyone to join us for this vibrant annual tradition," Bojaniwska encouraged.

"It's a night to celebrate our town's best, learn about current issues, and get inspired to make a difference."

The Annual Town Awards Celebration is a free event, open to all residents, taking place at The Cotswold Playhouse on Wednesday, 22nd May, at 7 pm.