ANDOVER Choral Society performed JS Bach’s St John Passion to commemorate its 300th anniversary at St Mary’s Church.

The two-hour spectacle, performed in English by the 40-strong choir, featured the challenging choruses of "Crucify Him", laden with fervent emotion, and a calming, lullaby-like conclusion with "Sleep Well".

Narrative and key parts were executed by professional soloists, including Andover's famous Katie MacDonald.

The choir also performed quieter chorales sprinkled throughout to balance the drama's intensity.

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This performance followed four months of weekly rehearsals under Music Director Peter Ford's guidance, and support from the Westminster Chamber Orchestra.

Feedback reflected the audience's appreciation for the scale, quality, and emotion of the performance.

Sue Woodley, the choir chairwoman, expressed gratitude to St Mary's and the patrons as critical support for large-scale concerts in Andover.

Looking ahead, the Andover Choral Society is recruiting new members via their website for their next performance in December, with rehearsals set to start in September.