BATIK, glass painting and monoprinting are three subjects featured at a craft school at the Mill Arts Centre, Banbury.

Art tutor Rachel Cronin is running a series of sessions on Wednesdays at the Spiceball Park venue.

She said: "The classes offer tasters of a variety of different craft subjects.

"They will be ideal for those wanting to try something creative but needing to do something a bit special - and are suitable for people with no experience or those who have perhaps done some painting and drawing and would like to try their hand at something different."

The aim is to allow participants the chance to try crafts that could be too messy or expensive to be attempted alone at home.

Rachel studied fine art at North Oxfordshire School of Art and Design and completed a degree at Hull, where she specialised in printmaking and painting in oils and acrylic.

She said: "I still do plenty of work in my spare time and am currently working on a series of landscapes using quill and ink.

"I also continue to paint, mainly in watercolour. My favourite subjects include English folklore and mythology, landscapes and townscapes."

For more details of the Craft School, contact Rachel Cronin at The Mill on 01295 252050.