Serious Cricket Home Counties Premier League

JESAL Rathod is poised for his Thame Town debut in tomorrow’s match at Falkland – if the pitch survives the wet weather.

Rathod, who is an opening batsman, has joined from Ealing and goes straight into the side.

“We felt we needed an opener and a No 3,” said captain Mike Higgs.

“This fills one of those positions, hopefully.

“I will probably bat at No 3, although we may be able to get Charlie Beardle back to play there.”

As for the prospects of play, Higgs said: “Falkland had a Berkshire game called off this week.

“The chances are that we are not going to play.

“I can’t remember the last time we had back-to-back games called off.”

Karl Penhale will replace the unavailable Nat Watkins should Aston Rowant be able to get going at Slough.

“Hopefully we’ll get a game in,” said Rowant skipper Wesley Morrick. “They have got some good facilities up there.

“We need to try not to get too despondent if we can’t play, but keep focused if we can.”


Aston Rowant (v Thame Town, away): Morrick, Watling, Morgan, Ferraby, Smith, Penhale, Leaney, Muttit, Cooper, Carlton, Cook.

Thame Town (v Falkland, away): Rathod, Neilson, Higgs, S Patel, P Patel, S Lachlan, Barnett, Jivrajani, Parmar, Desai, Rooney.