Berinsfield ABC picked up a hat-trick of victories during a busy week.

Ciaran Flanagan chalked up his fourth win over Myles Connors from the host Hayes outfit, but had to come from behind to clinch the verdict.

The 12-year-old allowed his rival to edge the opening period, but took control after the interval by landing with greater accuracy in his punches to claim the decision.

Jamie Maughan began his ring career with a determined and polished debut victory over Carl Cross at Corby.

From the bell he had his rival from the host gym on the back foot and landed neat clusters of shots off the jab.

Cross wobbled from a precise right hand towards the end, with only the bell saving him.

Niamh McGuckin claimed her first win in Bristol as she proved too polished for Sandfields rival Annie Morris.

The 12 year-old Berinsfield prospect made maximum use of her extra height against a heavier opponent and was always quicker to the punch.

Her performance left the ringside makers with the easy task of delivering a wide unanimous verdict.

But there was disappointment for Jake Keogh, 16, at the same West Country tournament.

He was level with Empire rival Sonny Ali going into the final session before the Bristolian found an extra gear to clinch the verdict on a split decision.

BERINSFIELD stage their next dinner show at the Rover Club in Cowley on Saturday, April 16.

Tickets, priced at £40, are available from Marge Corrigan.

She can be contacted on 01865 341348.