Young Matthew Tuppenney, from Kidlington, has come a long way from his days of fishing the Kidlington AS junior matches, and is now catching some large pike from Manor Farm Lake at Linear Fisheries’ Stanton Harcourt complex.

On his first visit to the water, the 15-year-old landed a fish of 14.14.0 (pictured), then on his next session, he caught two pike weighing 15.12.0 and a personal-best 16lb. All his fish were caught using dead roach baits.

l ONE of the lakes at Linch Hill, near Standlake, has produced a huge catch of roach for Staffordshire specimen hunter Jamie Cartwright.

The fish were all caught on maggot feeder, the bait being flavoured with geranium oil.

The redfin haul included fish of 2.13.0, 2.13.8, 3.0.8, 3.1.0, 3.2.0, topped by a huge fish weighing 3.13.0.

Cartwright used a helicopter rig with a size 16 Kamasan hook tied to a 0.13mm Reflo Powerline hooklink and a modified Drennan vari-weight feeder.

He also caught a couple of nice rudd, the best weighing 2.12.0.

l IF you have any news, views or photos, you can contact me on 01865 725606 or email