George Waters made his trip from Bolton in Lancashire worthwhile when he caught a rainbow trout of 13.8.0 from Lechlade Lake at Lechlade Fishery last month.

His was the top fish of the month when 490 anglers caught a total of 1,080 fish, including 211 double-figure rainbows and 190 double-figure browns. The largest brown went just under 15lb, Best flies were montanas, damsels and buzzers.

On Bushyleaze, 324 fishermen caught 1,227 fish, the largest rainbow going 8.12.0.

l WINTER seems to have arrived earlier than ever this year, but as you can see from the match results below, there are fish out there willing to feed in these arctic conditions.

Chub are most certainly on the feed and a simple maggot-feeder or liquidised bread with flake will often put a fish on the bank.

l THE Oxfordshire and North Wiltshire branch of the Pike Anglers Club of Great Britain are holding a meeting at the Red Lion in Eynsham on December 16, starting at 7.30pm.The guest speaker is well-known pike angler and writer Neville Fickling.

l IF you have any news, views or photos, you can contact me on 01865 725606 or email