Mick Warren, the umpire at the centre of a dispute between the England & Wales Cricket Board and the Oxfordshire Cricket Board, has severed his connections with the county, writes MICHAEL KNOX.

The cause of this dispute was Warren’s involvement with the International Institute of Cricket Umpires & Scorers (IICUS), a training body not recognised by the ECB.

The ECB threatened the Oxon Board with a reduction in their youth cricket funding if Warren continued to work for them.

Warren, in a voluntary capacity, had organised all the Board’s youth fixtures over many years.

“Although I’ve not spoken to Mick directly, I understand he is stepping down as youth fixture secretary,” said Oxfordshire Board chairman Chris Clements.

“It’s a great shame and very said, as he was a valued volunteer.”

Clements revealed that Warren had been offered the post of Oxon umpires’ appointments secretary, provided he ended his link with IICUS.

“But Mick was resolute in sticking with the IICUS. So in the end it was his choice,” added Clements.

Warren was unavailable for comment.