Berinsfield angler Paul Scarrott, 45, had a holiday to remember in the Dominican Republic after catching the fish of a lifetime – a blue marlin of 135lb.

Chartering a local boat as a treat, Paul was soon catching small tuna between two and three pounds, plus one dorado, which were to be used as bait for the baracuda and wahoo he was hoping to catch later.

He was using a light bait rod with 30-40lb nylon line.

And he was reeling another smallish tuna when the big marlin took a liking to it 30 yards behind the boat.

Some two hours and 15 minutes later, the fish was landed and dispatched to be consumed by the locals.

Paul said: “It was a jaw-dropping fish. I needed some help from the boatmen to land it and they volunteered to take the rod when I needed a break. I was thrilled when we landed it.”

The Oxfordshire angler, who has fished from boyhood, is no stranger to big predators back in this country, with pike to 33.10.0 and catfish to 53.6.0 to his credit. He has also caught carp to 30lb.

His wife, Sue, took the picture.

WEST Midland carper Justin Taylor made his final trip to Richworth Linear’s Unity Lake at Stanton Harcourt and bagged himself a new personal best in the shape of a 41.5.0 common carp.

He also landed a 27.2.0 ghostie, both fish coming from an area next to a weedbed which he fed with a mixture of particles and Mainline Cell boilies.

THE next meeting of the Oxfordshire and North Wilts region of the Pike Anglers Club of Great Britain will take place at the Red Lion, Eynsham, next Thursday starting at 7.30pm. Guest speaker is Drennan Cup winner Julian Chidgey.

COLDSTONE AC are holding a race night on November 13 at Tiddy Hall, Ascott-under-Wychwood, starting at 7.45pm. A ploughman’s supper is also being provided.

l IF you have any news, views or photos, you can contact me on 01865 725606 or email