The family of badly-injured Oxford Cheetahs ace Ales Dryml have expressed their gratitude to the fantastic support they have received from fans and the world of speedway.

Dryml was taken to the John Radcliffe hospital's intensive care unit on Wednesday night with severe injuries following an horrendous smash at the Stadium in the meeting against Wolverhampton.

On Saturday, the Czech Republic star was transferred to the specialist Neurological Unit at Oxford Radcliffe Infirmary, where his condition yesterday was described as "stable."

The Oxford rider's mechanic and close family friend, Andy Cooper said Dryml's father, Ales senior, was very keen to express through him their thanks for the messages of goodwill.

Cooper said: "He asked me to try and convey how those messages have been of great comfort and help to him, Lukas, and the Dryml family as a whole throughout this very difficult time."