Predator Angling fished their third Spring League match at Barford last Sunday and after a couple of weeks of sunshine, the weather turned miserable for the 20 matchmen.

All the carp were down one end of the lake, where the top weights came from, while the other pegs produced roach.

Clear winner with 43.8.0 was Andy Wiffen (RS Baits), who weighed in 13.4.0 of roach, the rest made up of carp, all taking pellet.

Runner-up Andy Benwell (Predator) caught all carp for 31.0.0 from the far bank, alternating between pellet and paste.

He pipped Richard Foley, who had a net of carp going 30.8.0 after alternating between pole and feeder with pellet as bait.

RESULTS Other Results Oakfield: (Wednesday, Swallow, 14 fished) 1 J Rogers (Frenzee GOT Baits) 47.1.0, 2 P Alland (GOT Oakfield) 46.11.8, 3 B Llewellyn (GOT Baits) 42.11.0.

Oakfield: (Saturday, Brook-Swallow, 22 fished) 1 P Alland (GOT Oakfield) 63.13.8, 2 S Perham (Kamasan Starlets) 50.9.8, 3 G Thorpe (GOT Baits) 46.9.8.

Panshill: (Thursday, Pans Lake, 14 fished) 1 B Eddy (Panshill) 104.5.0, 2 A Foulkes (Panshill) 89.2.0, 3 R Young (Frenzee) 82.4.0.

Panshill: (Friday, Wood Lake, 17 fished) 1 N Dean (Maver) 95.7.0, 2 R Young (Frenzee) 59.8.0, 3 B Eddy (Panshill) 46.0.0.

Panshill: (Saturday, Pans Lake, 16 fished) 1 J Light (Maver Farnborough) 74.13.0, 2 B Eddy (Panshill) 68.12.0, 3 D Hammond (BGS Garbolino) 54.13.0.

Panshill: (Sunday, Wood Lake, 18 fished) 1 P Bowles (Sensas A4) 60.3.0, 2 J Hohlweg (Panshill) 56.7.0, 3 A Foulkes (Panshill) 47.8.0.

Match Diary Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday Oakfield: Tel 01296 770899.

Panshill: Tel 07740 619991.

Tomorrow North Oxford AS: Club match, King’s Bridge. Draw 8am.

Original Carp League 2010: Rissington, Draw 11am.

Beehive AC: Club match, Milton Pools. Draw 8am.