Abingdon Gymnastics Club are celebrating a successful first year at their new home in Berinsfield, owned by business park management company Jennings.

In that time the club have increased their number of classes for children and adults, and had great success in regional competitions.

Two of their boys – Nathan Sutton and Ben Goodall – qualified for the regional team and competed at the national sets finals.

The club have also appointed a new head coach in Nikki Woodward and are just about to employ a head general gymnastics coach.

Abingdon have more than 220 girls and boys from the age of 3 to 16.

Club chairman, Neil Moulster said: “It has been a great first year.

“Having a building that has been specially adapted for use as a gymnastics centre, with the flooring and the equipment we need, has made a huge difference.

“We’d like to say a big thank you to Jennings, to Berinsfield Parish Council and the funding agencies who’ve backed us.”

John Cotton, the District Councillor for Berinsfield and Dorchester said: “This is a fantastic facility, not just for Berinsfield, but the whole of Oxfordshire.

“Berinsfield is fast becoming a hub of sporting excellence for our region.”

For more details on the club visit www.abingdongymclub.co.uk or call 01865 340992.