Sam Deering says only time will tell whether Saturday’s 0-0 draw with Kidderminster proves to be a useful point, or a missed opportunity.

“You can’t say it’s two points dropped yet, or a point gained,” said the youngster, who had an outstanding game.

“We’ll find out at the end of the season, but it’s always nice to be top of the league.”

Deering was used just behind centre forward James Constable and his intelligent runs, and willingness to take on the Kidderminster defenders, kept the U’s on the front foot for most of the game.

It was just frustrating for the Oxford players, and the 5,800 crowd, that none of the four or five good chances were taken.

“I had chances, other players had chances, we’re got to be a bit more clinical in front of goal,” he said.

“We’ve got to kill games off 1-0, that’s all it needs.

“It doesn’t matter who puts it in the back of the net, it’s just about scoring goals.”

Deering has been used in a variety of positions, including wide on either side, but admits he enjoys playing “in the hole” behind the main striker, where he can get on the ball in space.

“I just try to get about the pitch and do my job, get on the ball and pass it,” he said.

“There’s no preference for me. I like to play in behind, but wherever I get asked to play, I’ll play. If I’m playing, that’s all that counts.”