Water levels remain low over at Farmoor Reservoir with some algae growth during the warm weather.

Farmoor I remains quiet with only a handful of anglers fishing.

Those that give it a go are finding good fish on nymphs and buzzers with some also coming from the surface to emergers and daddies.

It’s a different story on Farmoor II, which has seen the fishing improve a lot in the last week.

Rod average for last week was 2.6lb, with it reaching 5.4 on Sunday.

Fish to 4lb have been taken on buzzers fished static or slow in the margins, or black boobies at various depths.

l FARMOOR’S Autumn Open on Sunday proved a great success with 28 anglers enjoying amazing success.

Most fish were taken on the booby, but some were also taken on buzzers, despite the hot sun beating down.

Roy Palmer won with 17 fish, weighing in at 30lb 4oz.

John Nicolls was second with 15 fish weighing 26.4.0, while Ed Trickett put 11 fish on the sacles for 22.7.0.

The best fish of the day went to Brian Butler, who landed a rainbow of 3.6.5.