Bampton's Patrick Lay wrapped up the Easykart UK Championship after a superb showing in the final round of the season at Ellough Park, Beccles in Suffolk.

The 14-year-old made the most of excellent conditions to qualify on pole.

In the pre-final, Lay got off to a good start, and held a one second lead after the first lap.

By lap seven he had extended this lead to four seconds, and he eventually won by more than seven seconds, clocking a lap record in the process.

Starting on pole for the final, Lay lost the lead going into the first corner.

But despite this, he battled back and regained his leap on the third lap to win the race by more than four seconds.

The result meant the championship was his – and he is now the youngest ever Junior Easykart UK Champion.

His next task is the world finals in Italy from October 14 to 19.

Lay said: “I owe a lot of my success to my dad who has supported me since I started karting.

“The next 18 months will be really exciting and hopefully the star of much greater success in my racing career.”