Ex-Oxford United boss Jim Smith is understood to be part of a international investment company bidding to buy a Premier League club.

Smith, who managed the U’s in two spells, is reported to be involved with London Nominees Ltd, which has offices in Hong Kong and the British Virgin Islands.

The company have recently branched out into football, and have tied up some big names in the sport – including Smith – as they look to build up a list of contacts to enable them to take control of a top-flight side, according to reports in yesterday’s News of the World.

Smith, Peter Reid and Neil Sillett, son of the FA Cup-winning manager John, are others who are understood to be involved in the group.

It is, however, unclear as to what Smith’s exact role is in the company – and also how his involvement with them would leave his position at Oxford, where he is still an influential figure behind the scenes at the Kassam Stadium, assisting both chairman Kelvin Thomas and manager Chris Wilder in recruiting players and passing on his wealth of experience.

Reports suggest that the Bald Eagle is simply asking super-rich contacts to invest – although if they successfully raise the money needed to buy the club, his involvement could lead to him being offered a place on the board at Goodison Park.

Smith would be able to take up that position as he is no longer a director at Oxford United, after stepping down in November.

While Everton has yet to be officially named as the club they are targeting, Reid’s involvement puts the Merseyside club top of the list.

Smith was unable to be contacted yesterday.