Oxford United's general manager Mick Brown has resigned from the Board of the Football Conference.

It follows the Conference Review Sub-Committee's report in the wake of complaints over their registration procedure.

United were docked five points in January when it was discovered that Eddie Hutchinson had not been registered – although Brown insisted the paperwork had been sent.

He said: “I am very disappointed with the findings of the Conference review and after a telephone conversation yesterday with chairman Brian Lee, I have formally resigned my position “This has been a very difficult time for me and even though the club has previously apologised, I would like to take the opportunity to apologise personally to all of the supporters of Oxford United for what has happened.

“I have been a life-long fan and have devoted many years to doing what I can to help the club, and this error has hurt me deeply.

“As a club, we have taken a long hard look at our own procedures and with the rest of the staff we have improved and strengthened these.

“I was hoping that the review would highlight what changes have been made to the procedures at the Conference office and would clarify some of the previous problems, along with any recommendations and improvements.

“The statement issued after the review does not communicate this.

“I am also disappointed that as a board member the findings of the committee were not circulated to everyone on the board, myself included."