Oxford United say they are keeping a close eye on the position of Weymouth striker Stuart Beavon.

The Terras squad issued a 14-day payment notice to Weymouth officials this week because they hadn’t received their wages from the crisis-hit club.

If the crisis is not resolved, the players would be legally entitled to free transfers at the end of the fortnight.

And Weymouth boss Alan Lewer said all of his team’s players were in the shop window.

The U’s are believed to be interested in ex-Didcot Town striker Beavon (pictured), grandson of legendary Oxford United player Cyril Beavon. He has hit 15 goals this season and been in terrific form.

Lewer said: “The fact that the lads could walk away as free agents at the end of the 14-day notice means they are all now in the shop window and will be looking to put in a performance every time they go out there to get themselves a club.

“Some might even have lined up one already.”

Manager Chris Wilder said Oxford United officials had talked about Beavon and they were keeping a close eye on the situation, but added that it would have to fit in financially for the club as well.

Beavon has previously been on trial at Oxford but wasn’t taken on, though that was under a different regime.