I received an email last week from Colin Lurcock, who raised a couple of things, the first about fishing the Oxford Canal, writes Andy Webber.

He tells me that British Waterways are not very good at publishing their rules and regulations and advises it is worth visiting their website just to make sure that you have all the required paperwork if you want to fish their waters.

Colin's other piece of news was that he had heard rumours of zander being caught from the Oxford Canal near the A40 bridge and also from the Thames at Dorchester.

I can confirm that they are certainly in the canal, as British Waterways actually cull them, although I have not heard of any being caught around Oxford.

As far as zander in the Thames goes, that would not surprise me at all, in fact I was told only the other day of a large fish spotted just below Osney Lock.

Am I bothered about fish-eating zander being in the Thames? Not really. I fish both the Warwickshire Avon and Severn, which both contain zander and have never heard of any problems with them.

In fact, the fishing on these two rivers is first-class.

IF you have any news, views or photos, or you just want to have a chat, you can contact me on 01865 725606 or email andrew@webber 01865.fsnet.co.uk