Fieldside easily retained the Oxford & District League's Atox Cup with a 6-0 victory over CCC A in the final at Cowley Conservative Club.

Paul Robinson showed excellent form for Fieldside. He brushed aside Dick Hashman 75-39, 75-59, making a 36-break in the first frame and a 23 in the second.

Norman Woodcock then beat Arthur Coakley 75-56 and 75-43, before Bob Chivers got the better of Malcolm Greiveson, 75-41, 75-59.

Paul Evans (Thame) beat Pom Merola (Oracle) 250-201 in the semi-finals of the Turner Cup.

In the final at Eynsham next Thursday, Evans will play Tom Fletcher, who overcame Thame clubmate Derek Syrrett 250-204 in the other semi.

The semi-finals of the Stephen Reiss Cup will be held at the Cowley Con Club next Wednesday (7.15), when Oracle face Riley and New Club take on Eynsham.