The sun has come out and the worst floods this country has experienced since 1947 are disappearing fast as things get back to normal, writes ANDY WEBBER.

In last week's column, I spoke about the number of fish which were likely to be left high and dry once the floods receded, but those fears may have been unfounded.

I have not received a single call from anyone about fish being stranded or in distress.

It seems they managed to find quieter water and stayed in the rivers.

Large fish like barbel, carp and chub will probably have survived, but what about the small silver fish like dace and roach?

Rivers carry extra water regularly in winter, so fish get used to that, but last month's flooding was not normal and there were some huge surges of water.

Only time will tell what effect it had on smaller fish and fry.

A good indicator will be match weights, and it will be worth listening to club anglers who fish their waters all the time.

Time is a great healer and hopefully our rivers and still waters will bounce back.

  • WITNEY big-fish expert and this year's Drennan Cup runner-up, Alan Storey, has been down on the Kennet at Burghfield targeting the large barbel.

Alan had been fishing the Thames, but found the bream were a bit of a nuisance, so he switched to the Kennet and was rewarded with a 14.9.0 barbel which took a Heathrow Bait Services super stench boilie.