Oxford City's Hannah England starred on Crystal Palace's big stage with victory at the Norwich Union London Grand Prix.

The 20-year-old Birmingham University biochemistry student stormed home to win the win the 'On Camp With Kelly' 800m in in 2mins 5.98secs Linzi Snow was second in 2.06.44 in the race for athletes who are being groomed by dual Olympic gold medallist Kelly Holmes with Rachael Thompson third in 2.06.72.

Radley's Caroyln Plateau was back in seventh in 2.09.15.

England said: "I was hoping it might be a bit faster, but a win is a win.

"You can't really complain about that. The pacemaker was perfect, it was our fault."

She was thrilled, though, to compete at a big meeting.

"It's really nice, you get nothing like this in a domestic competition and it's great to be able to race in front of this many people."

The victory continued England's impressive progress, which has seen her claim victory in the 1500m at the England Under 23 Championships, the UK Indoor City Challenge and the British Universities' Championships.

She has also clocked personal bests of 4.12.33 and 2.03.92 this year together with finishing fifith at the European Under 23 Championships at Debrecen, Hungary.