In the latest Oxford United column written by supporters, MATTHEW CAVILL recalls a famous victory over Manchester United.

ON November 6, 1986, Sir Alex Ferguson took charge of Manchester United and two days later brought his side to Oxford.

I was nine and about to move to Zambia through my dad’s work – I would miss my beloved team play.

My dad’s secretary contacted the club about our African adventure.

Just before the match we got a call to say I could meet my heroes before the match.

The match-day changing room buzz was electric and the smell of deep heat overpowering!

The players were all great with me. I recall Ray Houghton taking the mickey out of John Aldridge’s dodgy tache.

Maurice Evans invited me in to meet him and Sir Alex and asked me what the score would be – I said we would win.

Fergie patted me on the head patronisingly and said ‘I’m sorry son but that won’t happen today’.

I told him we would win 2-0, he chuckled and I left them to continue their pre-match chat.

At the final whistle, I looked over at Sir Alex and I held up my fingers displaying the 2-0 scoreline!

That season Man Utd finished 11th and we finished 18th.

Although we are some way off playing in the top flight now, who knows where we will be in 30 years’ time or even sooner!