Specimen hunter Andy Little has been visiting Linear Fisheries' Hunts Corner Lake, targeting the large perch that inhabit the water, writes ANDY WEBBER.

Although better known for its carp fishing, all the Linear lakes hold other species, but they are rarely fished for.

Andy used a feeder to deposit some red maggots out into the lake and then fished half a lobworm tipped with maggot for his hookbait.

He managed to catch several hard-fighting perch, the best going 3.5.0.

Several years ago, Phil Smith and Steff Horak spent some time after the perch on Oxlease lake, and they also were very successful.

I also enjoyed some good perch fishing with Merv Wilkinson over at Chad Lakes and it is something I would like to get into again.

Maybe later this year I will have ago for one of the large Linear specimens.

  • Linch Hill is once again in the news, with its big roach attracting the headlines.

Spending 48 hours on the Standlake water, Tom Stone, from West Sussex, banked five roach, including fish of 3.6.0, 3.1.8 and 2.15.8.

Tom has had no fewer than eight roach over the magic 3lb mark from the venue.

He used his normal maggot-feeder tactics with either single or double flavoured maggot on the hook.

Joining him on this visit was Tony King, from Eastbourne, who caught eight fish, the best going 3.3.0.

Tom's maggots were flavoured with geranium oil, and it certainly did the trick.

  • Walking to the pub the other evening, I noticed that the chub had started to arrive in the stream running around Osney Island, getting ready for some serious spawning.

I would have thought that considering the very mild weather, spawning of all species will take place early this year, which should augur well for their welfare.

Of course, there are other factors besides the weather, crayfish for one is a major problem in the area, as all our rivers and streams contain them.

Even if we have a successful spawning, there is the winter to contend with and high water levels, which must do some damage to the small fish.

  • Oxford Bus Company AC hold their AGM at Abingdon Town Football Club in Culham Road, Abingdon on May 2, starting at 7.30pm.

All members and anyone who would like to join this friendly club are welcome to attend.

  • If you have any news, views, photos, or you just want to have a chat, you can contact me on 01865 725606 or email andrew@webber 01865.fsnet.co.uk