A group of Oxfordshire catfish anglers have returned from France after a fabulous six-day stint that produced some stunning specimens to 116lb 5oz.

Wayne Geller, Ian Knott and Adam Pearce, from the Bicester area, fished Lake Bleus in the Dordogne region, which is run by Exclusive Angling.

After arriving, their swims were agreed, cars were unloaded and they set up for a six-night stay.

First angler to catch was Adam with a 37.9.0 ‘moggie’ and after that, there was no turning back.

Over the following days, they banked a succession of catfish, including specimens of 49.0.0, 49.3.0, 53.8.00, 56.0.0, 56.10.0, 59.2.0, 61.7.0, 62.11.0, 62.11.0, 86.1.0, 87.9.00, 87.12.0, 87.15.0, 89.11.0, 95.10.0, 97. 4.0 and 110.8.0, topped by the big one caught by Wayne, which set a new lake and venue record.

The lads also spent some time on the adjacent water, Lake, Vert, and had a total of 600lb of cats from there.

All of the fish fell were taken on a variety of methods and baits.

Anyone interested in catfishing in France can check out www.exclusiveanglingholidays.com.