A 46-year-old man died after a drug overdose at his home address in Witney, an inquest heard today.

Marc Lawrence was found dead on September 15 by a friend after concerns were raised about his welfare.

The inquest heard that Mr Lawrence’s cause of death was given as multiple drug toxicity.

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Drug paraphernalia was found in his bedroom and a syringe, which was believed to be unused, was in his hand.

He also had been diagnosed with COPD, a respiratory condition that can cause shortness of breath, wheezing and coughing.

The inquest heard that this health condition would have made Mr Lawrence more susceptible to respiratory depression induced by drug use.

A post-mortem examination revealed that Mr Lawrence had multiple substances in his system, the most notable being opiates, which suggested heroin use prior to death.

This was found to be 120 micrograms per litre which is within the range associated with fatalities, albeit at the lower end.

Cocaine was also detected, the court was told.

It is not believed that there were any suspicious circumstances surrounding the death, nor was there any third-party involvement.

The inquest heard that Mr Lawrence, who worked as carpenter, had difficulties with alcohol and drug abuse.

A witness statement from Turning Point Oxfordshire was read out to the court.

Turning Point is a drug and alcohol support service.

The statement detailed that Mr Lawrence had been receiving support from Turning Point since 2015.

The 46-year-old had also been in rehab in Liverpool in the weeks leading up to his death but had discharged himself on September 13.

Oxford Coroner’s Court was told that Mr Lawrence had been struggling with separation from his wife and four-month year old son who were in a mother and baby unit in Essex, and this had led to his decision to leave.

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Mr Lawrence’s father, Robert, gave a statement that was read out at the inquest.

He said: “Mark was the youngest of my two children.

“He had many friends and was very much loved by his family.

“We spoke a lot over the phone and we stayed close throughout his life.”

Oxfordshire’s senior coroner, Darren Salter gave the conclusion of a drug related death.

He said: “Mark Lawrence was recently in rehab and was in low mood.

“On September 15, 2022, he was discovered deceased in his home address in Witney and died due to multiple drug toxicity.”

Mr Salter told the inquest there was no evidence that Mr Lawrence had taken the drugs with the intent to end his life and "if anything it was an accidental overdose".